A unique way to
design the school you need

We at Kampus recognise that independent schools are a unique design challenge.

You need an excellent and inspiring educational facility and a successful commercial venture that stands out against the competition from day one.

We have brought together some of the world’s most experienced education architects, renowned experts in brand experience design, academic professionals and highly knowledgeable school equipment consultants.

We will make your new school a compelling response to your values, ethos and heritage.

We understand what you need “inside and out” to ensure your campus is a highly functional,  inspirational, yet differentiated experience. 

The Kampus team has designed over a hundred international schools, thousands of educational interiors, and over 2.5 million square meters of school buildings worldwide.

Our experience has shown us that the traditional design approach that focuses on land and building first, then detailing what happens inside later, needs to be reversed.

We are committed to the reinvention of school design, specifically for independent organisations seeking to expand internationally.


We design strategically from the inside out. 

Not just inside your space but inside your organisational values, methods, heritage, strategies and needs. We focus on what you believe, bringing this to life throughout your campus experience from arrival to departure.

In parallel, we consider your pedagogy, determining how the design of your spaces supports learning outcomes. 


Our specialist school design team understand how schools work in detail.

We ensure that built reality matches your vision and protects your brand.

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